Created by the U.S.D.A, Chinook was released in 1985. Chinook is categorized as a high alpha variety with an aroma of spicy, piney and a distinct grapefruit. This alluring aroma and a high bittering value has gained this hop full respect from craft & major brewers. The variety has a good resistance to disease but it susceptible to powdery mildew.
Pedigree: Cross between Petham Golding and a high alpha USDA male
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: Medium intensity, spicy, piney and distinct with subtle tones of grapefruit
Alpha Acids %: 12.0-14.0
Beta Acids %: 3.0-4.0
Co-Humolone:29-34% of Alpha Acids
Total Oil: 1.5-2.5 mls/100g
General Trade Perception: A high alpha hop with an acceptable aroma profile
Possible Substitutions: Nugget, Columbus, Northern Brewer
Typical Beer Styles: US-Style Pale Ale, IPA, Stout, Porter, Lager
*All hops in stock are stored in a cold environment to ensure the highest freshness possible. Alpha and Beta acid amounts vary between batches and may not be exactly as pictured, however are generally with in the ranges stated above.