Developed in Idaho in 1978, Galena is known for its citrusy aroma as well as balanced bittering properties. Also, it has excellent storage stability and has moderate tolerance to mildew/disease.
Pedigree: Open pollination of Brewer's Gold
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: Citrus
Alpha Acids %: 12.0-14.0
Beta Acids %: 7.0-9.0
Co-Humolone: 37-42% of Alpha Acids
Total Oil: 0.9-1.2 mls/100g
General Trade Perception: Excellent high alpha hop with balanced bittering and aroma characteristics
Possible Substitutions: Brewer's Gold, Columbus, Nugget
Typical Beer Styles: Most English-style and American-style Ales
*All hops in stock are stored in a cold environment to ensure the highest freshness possible. Alpha and Beta acid amounts vary between batches and may not be exactly as pictured, however are generally with in the ranges stated above.