JP's Oatmeal Stout

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  • Regular price £43.00

JP from the brewing network offered for us to put together a kit based on his oatmeal stout recipe and we took him up on his offer.

Here are some comments JP made about this brew a while back-

This is a beer that I have been working on for almost 3 years, and it is one that does very well at my house, but not so great at competitions. It hovers in the 35-40 rang every time, but never clears a medal. Comments are that it is too light, not roasty enough, or some other crap. Which is all true, and I deny none of it. My oat stout is a beer that I make for myself and I purposely made it on the lower end of the style because that's how I like my oat stouts. If you do, too, you might like this beer.

Kit Includes:

  • Ingredients for 5 gallons of beer
    • Hops: Northern Brewer, Golding
    • Grains: Flaked Oats, Pale Chocolate Malt, Caramel Malt, Roasted Barley, Carafa III
  • ABV: 5.8%
  • IBU: 44