Crystal Pellet Hops

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Crystal is a triploid variety with derivations from Hallertau MF, Cascade, and Northern Brewer. Primarily grown in Oregon, its aroma is mild and pleasant with a delicate blend of spices and flowers.The variety is versatile and wildly popular.

Pedigree: Triploid variety from German Hallertau with contributions from Cascade, Brewer's Gold and Early Green; a half-sister of Mt. Hood and Liberty

Brewing Usage: Aroma

Aroma: Mild, floral and spicy

Alpha Acids %:  3.5-5.5

Beta Acids %: 4.5-6.7

Co-Humolone:  20-26% of alpha acids

Total Oil:  0.8-2.1 mls/100g

General Trade Perception: The most pungent of the new triploid Hallertau family

Possible Substitutions: Mt. Hood, Hersbrucker, Strisselpalt, Liberty, Hallertau

Typical Beer Styles:   Lager, Kolsch, ESB, Pilsner, IPA, Pale Ale & Belgian Ales

*All hops in stock are stored in a cold environment to ensure the highest freshness possible. Alpha and Beta acid amounts vary between batches and may not be exactly as pictured, however are generally with in the ranges stated above.